Behavior in the bush
If you are camping on safari for the first time you may feel frightened or threatened by the possibility of elephants, lion, hyaena or other animals roaming freely around the campsite. This does take some getting used to, and your first reaction may be to flee. It is essential to behave properly near wild animals, to respect the environment and avoid potentially dangerous situations.
It would be wise to discuss the best reactions to animals, which may become aggressive with a guide or animal expert. Different behaviour is recommended for different animals, and it is important to get it right. However, in the unlikely event of an animal becoming aggressive towards you, do not panic, but stay calm and keep quiet. Remember the following rules:
• Always sleep in your tent or vehicle. Make sure your tent zips up well
• Do not sleep with legs or arms protruding from the tent
• Carry away or burn all rubbish. Many areas do not have rubbish disposal facilities
• Cigarette butts should be well extinguished and placed in a rubbish bag, not thrown out
• Make sure the campfire is well extinguished at the end of the evening, and cover it with sand
• Bury all fecal matter and burn all toilet paper
• In most parks and reserves you should camp in designated camping areas where basic amenities are provided. Outside the parks, reserves and wildlife management areas, you are free to camp anywhere you like
• Do not sleep on bridges or animal paths, particularly those of elephant or hippo
• Do not bathe in or drink from still bodies of water: there is the danger of bilharzia
• In the Okavango, it is tempting to dive into a lagoon or stream, especially after a hot, dusty drive (though new regulations forbid this). There is of course the danger of crocodiles or hippo. Do not go near the water at night. If you want to wash or refresh yourself it is best to go to the water with another person. Have him or her stand near you and be on the look out while you wash. Watch out for eyes or nostrils protruding from the water
• Be wary of animals with young. Never feed the animals or try to touch them. The feeding of monkeys, baboons and mongoose at certain campsites has brought about absolutely atrocious and at times aggressive, harassing behaviour
• In the Okavango and Chobe, where animal density is high, do not stray far from the campsite or walk in the bush